Pinanga egregia Fernando, Kew Bull. 49: 775 (1994)

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Luzon (Quezon Prov.) and Polillo. (Fernando, E.S. 1994: New Species of Pinanga (Palmae : Arecoideae) from Luzon Island, Philippines)A


  • Pinanga egregia is a remarkable palm for its elegant habit. It is similar to P. geonomiformis in size and in the very slender stems, but differs in its solitary habit, its often branched inflorescence, and the broadly ovoid fruits. The leafsheath is also generally yellowish- or creamish-white. (Fernando, E.S. 1994: New Species of Pinanga (Palmae : Arecoideae) from Luzon Island, Philippines)A


  • P. geonomiformi Becc. magnitudine et caulibus gracilibus similis sed habitu solitario, inflorescentia saepe ramosa et fructibus late ovoideis distincta. (Fernando, E.S. 1994: New Species of Pinanga (Palmae : Arecoideae) from Luzon Island, Philippines)A

Biology And Ecology

  • In dipterocarp forest; c. 500 m. Endemic. (Fernando, E.S. 1994: New Species of Pinanga (Palmae : Arecoideae) from Luzon Island, Philippines)A


  • This species was discovered in an area adjacent to a slash-and-burn farm. It is seriously threatened due to continuing alteration of its habitat. (Fernando, E.S. 1994: New Species of Pinanga (Palmae : Arecoideae) from Luzon Island, Philippines)A


  • Solitary slender unarmed pleonanthic monoecious undergrowth palm, to 2 m tall. Stem to 1.5 cm diam.; internodes 2-4 cm long. Crownshaft elongate, cylindrical, slightly swollen, to c. 20 cm long. Leaves to 7 in crown; sheath to c. 12.5 cm long, yellowish- or creamish-white with light green tinge, covered with brown scaly indumentum; leaf without sheath c. 58-65 cm long; petiole c. 13-22 x 0.5 cm, yellowish, flattened adaxially, convex abaxially, covered with indumentum as sheath; rachis angular, bifacial adaxially, obtusely rounded abaxially, covered with indumentum as sheath and petiole. Leaflets to 6 on each side of the rachis, unequal, ± sigmoidal, inequidistant, 1-9 cm apart, except those of the apical leaflet pair, long-acuminate to subfalcate, green above and with prominently elevated costae, paler underneath and generally glabrous, rarely with sparse ramentae along the costae; basal leaflets 1-4-costate, 8.5-15 x 0.7-3 cm; middle leaflets 6-7-costate, c. 21-29 x 6-8 cm; apical leaflets 5-8-costate, c. 9-14 x 4-6 cm, joined to 9 cm at the base along the rachis, the apex incised to as many lobes as there are costae, the lobes to 1 cm long and further incised at their tips to 5 mm deep, resulting secondary lobes acute-acuminate. Inflorescence infrafoliar, pendulous; prophyll not known; peduncle c. 1.5-3 x 0.2 -0.4 cm, flattened, glabrous, the inflorescence very rarely simple and unbranched; rachillae often 2-3, rarely 4 or more, each to 8-15 cm long, flattened, to 3 mm wide, 1.5 mm thick when dry, glabrous, drying finely striate, the subtending bract a narrow, low collar. Staminate and pistillate flowers not known. Infructescence pendulous. Fruiting perianth depressed-cupular, 2 mm high, 3 mm across, with a contracted mouth; the petals and sepals free and imbricate, subequal, glabrous; subtending bract a low, explanate, semi-annular collar to 0.5 mm high. Fruits distichous, 3-6 mm apart, pinkish, ripening red then purplish-black, broadly ovoid, c. 1.6 x 0.8 cm, shortly beaked; epicarp drying striate; mesocarp thinly fibrous; seed ovoid, c. 9 x 5 mm, acute at tip, caudiculate at base; endosperm ruminate; embryo basal. Eophyll bifid, to 6 cm long including petiole and sheath; leaf segments 3-4-costate, c. 4 x 1.5 cm, cucullate, acuminate at tips. (Fernando, E.S. 1994: New Species of Pinanga (Palmae : Arecoideae) from Luzon Island, Philippines)A

Materials Examined

  • LUZON. Quezon Prov., Real, Sierra Madre Mountains, Sitio Balete, Fernando 549 (holotype LBC; isotypes BH, K, PNH), and 851 (LBC), Sitio Daraitan, Fernando 629 (BH, LBC), and 631 (K, LBC), Marcon logging area, Hernaez 3567 (CAHP, LBC); POLILLO Is.: Fernando 612 (LBC). (Fernando, E.S. 1994: New Species of Pinanga (Palmae : Arecoideae) from Luzon Island, Philippines)A


    A. Fernando, E.S. 1994: New Species of Pinanga (Palmae : Arecoideae) from Luzon Island, Philippines