Calamus lakshmanae Renuka, J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 14: 703 (1990)

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Evergreen forests at about 85 m above MSL. Makkut and Honaver Ranges. (Fig. 5). (Renuka, C. 1992: Rattans of the Western Ghats. A Taxonomic Manual.)A

Biology And Ecology

  • Fruiting April - May. (Renuka, C. 1992: Rattans of the Western Ghats. A Taxonomic Manual.)A

Common Name

  • Kannada: Halubetha (Renuka, C. 1992: Rattans of the Western Ghats. A Taxonomic Manual.)A


  • A good cane used in furniture industry. (Renuka, C. 1992: Rattans of the Western Ghats. A Taxonomic Manual.)A


  • Clustering, high climbing canes. Stems to 20 m or more long, with sheaths to 1 -2.5 cm in diameter, without to 1 cm. Sheath yellowish green to green, densely armed with spines, spines to 1 cm long, yellowish, bulbous-based, pointing horizontally or upwards, distal younger sheaths with less spines and with brown markings] knee present; ocrea not seen. Leaf to 1.65 m long including petiole, ecirrate, petiole to 22 cm, armed with small sometimes curved spines; rachis biconvex towards the basal portion.triangular in the upper portion, with many small recurved spines; leaflets to 45 x 2 cm, regular, linear - lanceolate, tip not ciliate, terminal pair ca 17 x 0.8 cm, confluent to more than half of its length, 3-veined, lateral veins ciliate on the dorsal surface, midvein ciliate below, spinulose at margin. Inflorescence long, pendulous; primary sheath tightly sheathing, with small spines, partial inflorescence to 60 cm long, attached well above the mouth of sheath; secondary sheaths to 3.5 cm long, tubular-infundibuliform, lightly sheathing, narrow at base, inner side flat, distal region with 3 or 4 small prickles ; rachillae to 10 cm long, attached above the mouth of secondary sheath; involucrophorum not stalked; involucre cup-shaped; fruiting perianth slightly callous at base. Fruit 1x0.7 cm, ovate, stigma 3 mm long, scales in 26 rows, channeled along the middle, when young bright green. Endosperm ruminate. (Renuka, C. 1992: Rattans of the Western Ghats. A Taxonomic Manual.)A

Materials Examined

  • Makkut, 14.3.89, fr, Renuka 4086 (KFRI). (Renuka, C. 1992: Rattans of the Western Ghats. A Taxonomic Manual.)A


    A. Renuka, C. 1992: Rattans of the Western Ghats. A Taxonomic Manual.