Butia microspadix Burret, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 10: 1050 (1930)

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Brazil, mostly confined to the state of ParanĂ¡ where it seems to be fairly common in grasslands; also in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, and perhaps Sao Paulo. (Glassman, S.F. 1979: Re-evaluation of the Genus Butia With a Description of a New Species)A


  • After describing S. hatschbachii I found a specimen labelled Butia microspadix that had been determined by M. Burret (see lectotype above for data). Even though immature, this specimen matches S. hatschbachii fairly closely, as well as Burret's description of B. microspadix. As mentioned above, the holotype and paratype cited by Burret were apparently destroyed in the Berlin herbarium. Burret also listed another specimen "very near to this species": Brazil, Sao Paulo, Raiz da Serra (leg. Luederwaldt-com. F. C. Hoehne n. 12267). Although the institutional herbarium sheet numbers are the same (12267) in both specimens, they may not be duplicates of each other because each one bears different collecting data. At any rate, I have not been able to locate the specimen cited by Burret (from Sao Paulo, Raiz da Serra) ; hence, I have designated the specimen which I have seen (from Rio Grande do SuI) as the lectotype. Previously, I had designated Butia microspadix as species incerta (Glassman, 1968, 1970a) because the Luederwaldt specimen is immature and Burret's description did not match the specimen to my satisfaction. After examination of other collections, I am now convinced that this specimen is Butia microspadix. (Glassman, S.F. 1979: Re-evaluation of the Genus Butia With a Description of a New Species)A

Common Name

  • None recorded. (Glassman, S.F. 1979: Re-evaluation of the Genus Butia With a Description of a New Species)A


  • Acaulescent; sheathing leaf base not seen, petiole 9-10 cm long, 0.5 cm wide, margins not spiny, merely fibrous, rachis of leaf 41-74, cm long, pinnae 19-20 On each side, regularly arranged at intervals of 1.5-3 cm, middle pinnae 20-26 cm long, 0.3-0.4 cm wide, mostly with acuminate, asymmetrical tips; expanded part of spathe 13-17 cm long, 2.5-3.5 cm wide, smooth or striate, covered with dense dark brown tomentum; branched part of spadix 11-13 cm long, rachiIlae 13-15, each 6-11 em long; pistillate flowers rounded or ovoid 4-5 mm long, 3.5 mm in diam., sepals and petals with obtuse and emarginate tips; staminate flowers 4-7 mm long, sepals unequal in size, 1-4 mm long; fruit 2 cm long, 1.1 cm in diam., beak 4 mm long, locule 1, endocarp woody, about 1 mm thick. cavity smooth within, trivittate, seed not seen. (Glassman, S.F. 1979: Re-evaluation of the Genus Butia With a Description of a New Species)A

Materials Examined

  • BRAZIL. RIO GRANDE DO SUL (see lectotype above); PARANA (see holotype of S. hatschbachii above); Munic. Ponta Grossa, Vila Velha, Clarissa Rolfs s.n. (BH); L. B. Smith & R. M. Klein 14890 (US); Parque Vila Velha, Rio Arroio Guavirova, campo limpo. G. Hatschbach 8091 (RB, US). (Glassman, S.F. 1979: Re-evaluation of the Genus Butia With a Description of a New Species)A


    A. Glassman, S.F. 1979: Re-evaluation of the Genus Butia With a Description of a New Species