Calamus dilaceratus Becc., Rec. Bot. Surv. India 2: 198 (1902)

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Evergreen forest. Great Nicobar. (Map. 7). (Renuka, C. 1995: A Manual of the Rattans of Andaman and Nicobar Islands)A

Biology And Ecology

  • Flowering November - December. Fruiting April - May. (Renuka, C. 1995: A Manual of the Rattans of Andaman and Nicobar Islands)A


  • Used in furniture industry and house construction. Leaves are used for thatching. (Renuka, C. 1995: A Manual of the Rattans of Andaman and Nicobar Islands)A


  • Clustering, large diameter rattan. Stem 20 m long or more, with sheaths to 4 cm in diameter, without sheaths 2 cm. Leaf to 6 m long, cirrate; sheath green, distal sheaths covered with white powder, densely armed with spines, spines 2-4 cm long, yellow with a reddish brown tinge, grouped together, arranged horizontally in slightly raised rims; knee present, not seen clearly from a distance because of dense spines,, petiole spiny, spines brownish yellow, grouped together, arranged horizontally in slightly raised rims; rachis stout, armed with 3 rows of spines, spines to 0.3 cm long, black, grouped together in slightly raised rims; leaflets ca. 50 x 2.5 cm, basal and distal ones smaller, veins and margins sparsely ciliate. Inflorescence not flagellate; male inflorescence, primary sheath lacerate, spiny; spines black, 1 cm long; partial inflorescences to 18 cm long; secondary sheath splits open, not spiny; rachilla 4 cm long, flowers in distichous rows; female inflorescence, primary sheath to 2.5 cm long, spiny, splitting open, slightly prolonged at the distal end into a lanceolate point: partial inflorescence to 25 cm Ipng; secondary sheaths splits open, not spiny, 1 cm long, prolonged at the distal end into a lanceolate point; rachilla to 6 cm long, arched; female flower outer side of outer perianth with black spots, both whorls split longitudinally in fruit; involucrophorum sessile. Fruit ovoid, ca. 1 x 0.8 cm, scales in 21 vertical rows, yellowish white with thin brown margin, channelled in the middle; endosperm not ruminate. (Renuka, C. 1995: A Manual of the Rattans of Andaman and Nicobar Islands)A

Materials Examined

  • 16th Km, East West Road, Nicobar, 12.4.93, male fls., Renukaand Vijayakumaran 7043, (KFRI); 16 th km, East West Road, Nicobar, 15.4.1993, fr., Renuka and Vijayakumaran 7047(KFRI). (Renuka, C. 1995: A Manual of the Rattans of Andaman and Nicobar Islands)A


    A. Renuka, C. 1995: A Manual of the Rattans of Andaman and Nicobar Islands