Pseudophoenix lediniana Read, Gentes Herb. 10: 189 (1968)

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Pseudophoenix lediniana is known only from wet forest along small canyons around Riv. Levange (Dep. de l’Ouest), which is the type locality. (Zona, S. 2002: A Revision of Pseudophoenix)A


  • Pseudophoenix lediniana is similar in many respects to P. vinifera, but the lobed calyx of P. lediniana is markedly distinct from the unlobed calyx of P. vinifera. The stem of P. lediniana is not strongly bottle-shaped, as in P. vinifera, but rather slightly ventricose. (Zona, S. 2002: A Revision of Pseudophoenix)A

Biology And Ecology

  • In cultivation, Pseudophoenix lediniana is said to be the fastest-growing of all Pseudophoenix. It makes a lovely ornamental palm, but it is not yet common outside the collections of botanical gardens and enthusiasts. (Zona, S. 2002: A Revision of Pseudophoenix)A


  • The palm is not valued for wine-making, and the area is under no severe threats by human activities. Nevertheless, the species is highly vulnerable and without protection. (Zona, S. 2002: A Revision of Pseudophoenix)A


  • Stem ca. 5 m tall, fusiform or ventricose, 25.1–32.5 cm dbh, gray, with prominent leaf scars when young. Leaves 15–17 in the crown, spreading; leaf ca. 270–310 cm long; sheath 36.0–58 cm long, green with silvery gray scales near the apex; petiole 25–60 cm long; rachis ca. 236 cm long, often with brown scales along its margin; leaf segments 140–160 per one side of the rachis; middle leaf segment 49.0–66.5 cm long, 1.6–2.5 cm wide, lanceolate with an acuminate tip, gray-green, glaucous abaxially, glaucous to glossy adaxially, ramenta absent on the abaxial surface of the midvein at the base of the leaf segment. Inflorescence arching to pendulous, branched to 3 orders, ca. 1.7 m long; peduncle ca. 95 cm long and 4.0 cm diam., glabrous; prophyll ca. 104 cm long, ca. 8.5 cm wide, bearing dark brown scales along both edges (keels); inner bract not seen; rachillae 13.0–14.7 cm long and 1.5–1.7 mm diam., directed toward the apex of the inflorescence. Flower pseudopedicel 0.7–2.0 mm long, 1.4–1.7 mm diam., green to glaucous; calyx a shallow three-lobed cupule, 4.0–5.2 mm diam., lobe apices rounded, green to glaucous, margins hyaline; petals ovate, 5.5–6.0 mm long, 4.7–4.9 mm wide, green, glaucous abaxially, spreading, with ca. 12 major veins; filaments ca. 2.1 mm long, not connate, anthers ovoid, ca. 4.3 mm long and 2.1 mm wide, yellow; gynoecium (in bisexual flowers) ca. 3.2 mm long and 2.0 diam.(pistillode in staminate flowers smaller), green. Fruit 17.2–25.1 mm long, 14.8–21.7 mm diam. (in single-seeded fruits); endocarp 15.2–17.6 mm long, 15.6–17.3 mm diam., ca. 0.5 mm thick. Seed 12.3–14.6 mm long, 10.9–14.2 mm diam. (Zona, S. 2002: A Revision of Pseudophoenix)A

Materials Examined

  • HAITI. Ouest: Trouin, Cook s.n. (US), Cook s.n. (BH); Riv Levange, Read & Pierre-Louis 154 (BH, FTG); Grand Goave, limestone cliffs, Read 237 (BH); between Grand Goâve and Port-au-Prince, S of Fauché on old road to Jacmel, 18°24’N 72°44’W, Henderson, Aubry, Balick & Vaval 1031 (NY); Grand Goâve, steep limestone cliffs, Ekman H5860 (IJ, K, FTG, NY, S, US). CULTIVATED. USA. Florida: Miami-Dade Co., Coral Gables, Fairchild Tropical Garden, 53-198A, Zona 782 (FTG), 96-947, Zona 777 (FTG). (Zona, S. 2002: A Revision of Pseudophoenix)A


    A. Zona, S. 2002: A Revision of Pseudophoenix