Ammandra decasperma O.F.Cook, J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 17: 220 (1927)

Primary tabs


  • Solitary or clustered dioecious palm, with stems short and subterranean,o r prostratea nd up to 1.5 m long and 25-35 cm in diameter, usually decaying at the older portions. Leaves 8-20 erect or arching; sheath l-1.7 m long, strongly fibrous, most of it appearing like the petiole; petiole cylindrical, l-2.4 m long, 2-2.5 cm in diameter, green; rachis 3.3-4 m long, with 40-62 pinnae; middle pinnae opposite, to 85 cm long and 5 cm wide, glabrous, with a prominent submarginal vein on either side of the midvein. Inflorescences interfoliar, the staminate up to 1.4 m long; peduncle 30-75 cm; peduncular bract 35-50 cm long; rachis 3O-92 cm long; rachillae 45-90, each with 6-9 flowers 0.5-3 cm long, the proximal ones larger and with more stamens; perianth obscure, hidden by the enlarged receptacle, the latter making the most conspicuous part of the flower; receptacle prismatic, to 1.5 cm long, with a small, central pistillode; stamens 300-1321; filaments 0.1-0.9 mm long; anthers 0.5-1.7 mm long. Pistillate inflorescence with peduncle to 30 cm long; peduncular bt'act 15*30 cm long; pistillate flowers 6-10 densely arranged in a head on a short rachis 1-2.5 cm long, each flower up to 25 cm long, with 7-10 narrow tepals to 10 cm long; ovary with 6-10 locules; style to 7 cm long; stigmas to 5 cm long. Infructescence2O-25 cm diameter, with 3-10 fruits. Fruit depressed-globose1,0 -12 cm diameter, with woody spiny projections to L cm long; seeds 6-10, wedge-shaped, with two flat sides, the distal surface convex, 4.5-5 cm long, 3-4 cm wide,2.2-3 cm along the tangential face. (Bernal, R. 2001: Notes on the Genus Ammandra (Palmae))A

Materials Examined

  • COLOMBIA. Boyacá: Municipio de Puerto Boyacá, Puerto Pinzón, on rio Ermitaño, 6˚ 03' N, 74˚ 14' W, 450 m, Jan 2OOO, Ramírez & Morales s.n. (COL); 2 Nov 2000, Bernal et al. 2506 (COL, HUA, NY), 2507 (COL, HUA). (Bernal, R. 2001: Notes on the Genus Ammandra (Palmae))A

Use Record

  • Ammandra decasperma O.F.Cook: Atresanías. Fruto-semilla. (García Cossio, F., Y.A. Ramos, J.C. Palacios, and A. Ríos 2002: La familia Arecaceae, recurso promisorio para la economía en el Departamento del Chocó)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    Utensils and ToolsOtherSeedsNot identifiedN/AColombia
    Utensils and ToolsOtherFruitsNot identifiedN/AColombia
  • Ammandra decasperma O.F.Cook: Con los frutos y semillas se elaboran figuras para artesanías. (Pino, N., and H. Valois 2004: Ethnobotany of Four Black Communities of the Municipality of Quibdo, Choco - Colombia.)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
  • Ammandra decasperma O.F.Cook: In the departament of Chocó, baskets made with fibers from the antá (Ammandra decasperma) and the güerregue (Astrocaryum standleyanum) are both sold locally, with the latter fetching high prices in arts and crafts stores in Bogotá. (Bernal, R. 1998: Demography of the Vegetable Ivory Palm Phytelephas seemannii in Colombia, and the Impact of Seed Harvesting)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    Utensils and ToolsDomesticLeaf sheathNot identifiedN/AColombia
  • Ammandra dasyneura (Burret) Barfod: Afeitador. Peciolo. Lija. Peciolo. Or. Corporal. Cogollo. Techado. Hoja. (Cerón, C.E., A. Payaguaje, D. Payaguaje et al. 2005: Etnobotánica Secoya (as Ammandra dasyneura (Burret) Barfod))
  • Ammandra dasyneura (Burret) Barfod: Alimento. Fruto. Techado. Hoja. (Cerón, C.E., C. Montalvo, C.I. Reyes, and, D. Andi 2005: Etnobotánica Quichua Limoncocha, Sucumbíos-Ecuador (as Ammandra dasyneura (Burret) Barfod))
  • Ammandra dasyneura (Burret) Barfod: Ammandra dasyneura (Burret) Barfod Vernacular names: Tubeba (adult and leaves); tubebo, tubeca (fruits). Vouchers: Macía et al. #458; Yanez, Macía et al. #2493. Uses. CO: The weaved pinnae of the leaves are used for thatch. D: Leaves are used to make temporary baskets. Fibres from the leaf base of juvenile plants are used to make brooms. E: The mesocarp, preferably mature, is edible. The endosperm is also edible when immature in a liquid or jelly-like state. M: The endosperm is eaten to cure diarrhoea and stomach ache. (Macía, M.J. 2004: Multiplicity in palm uses by the Huaorani of Amazonian Ecuador (as Ammandra dasyneura (Burret) Barfod))
  • Ammandra dasyneura (Burret) Barfod: De las hojas jóvenes que todavia no se abren (cogollo) se corta la base y se desfleca para amarrar alrededor del brazo y antebrazo en el caso masculino; en la cintura en el caso femenino, hacia delante; esto sirve como perfume corporal; el olor se prolonga durante diez días hasta que las hojas se secan; los frutos tiernos se usa el mesocarpo en la alimentación humana; el agua contenida dentro de los frutos se bebe. (Cerón, C.E., C.G. Montalvo, J. Umenda et al. 1994: Etnobotánica y notas sobre la diversidad vegetal en la comunidad Cofán de Sinangüé, Sucumbíos, Ecuador (as Ammandra dasyneura (Burret) Barfod))


    A. Bernal, R. 2001: Notes on the Genus Ammandra (Palmae)