Pritchardia hillebrandii Becc., Malesia 3: 292 (1890)

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Now restricted to the tops of the stack-like, rocky islets of Huelo and Mokapa off the north coast of Molokai, 75-100 m elevation (Front Cover). As recently as the 1970s, a few plants of Pritchardia hillebrandii were also on the valley floors and at the base of the immense coastal sea cliffs along the north coast of Molokai although these may have been cultivated because they were near or at sites of human activity. Nonetheless, they are gone today, rats and goats likely having driven them to extinction (S. Perlman and K. Wood, pers. comm.). (Hodel, D. 2007. A Review of the Genus Pritchardia. Palms 51(4): Special Supplement S 1-53.)A


  • Pritchardia hillebrandii is distinctive in its conspicuously waxy glaucous leaf blades more or less devoid of lepidia, inflorescences shorter than or equaling the petioles, and small fruits. Leaf blades can be so heavily glaucous that they appear nearly white (Fig. 18). It is similar to P. maideniana but the latter differs in its diamond-shaped (in outline) leaf blades (the result of strong and conspicuous folding) that mostly lack the giaucous covering. It is unclear whether Hillebrand's type material originated from cultivated plants in Honolulu or from wild or cuitivated plants on Molokai. Beccari (1890) noted that much confusion surrounded the provenance and labels on Hillebrand's specimens at B, although there is a loose note in the photograph at FI of the type at B with the name Molokai handwritten on it. It is also unclear whether the numbers identifying the syntypes of P. insignis (7970 and 8800) were applied by the Botanic Garden in Guyana or its herbarium or by the Berlin Herbarium. (Hodel, D. 2007. A Review of the Genus Pritchardia. Palms 51(4): Special Supplement S 1-53.)A


  • To 8 m tall; proximal margins of petiole with only a few fibers; ieaf biade strongly undulate and often of a rather coarse appearance, divided 2/5-1/2, conspicuously waxy-glaucous, grayish green, rarely to nearly white or plain green, abaxial surface more or less devoid of lepidia, segment tips stiff to drooping; inflorescences composed of 1-5 panicles, shorter than or equaling petioles in flower and fruit, panicles branched to 3 orders, rachillae glabrous; fruits 15-22 x 14-19 mm, globose, often keeled or ridged. (Hodel, D. 2007. A Review of the Genus Pritchardia. Palms 51(4): Special Supplement S 1-53.)A

Materials Examined

  • U.S.A. Hawaii. Molokai: Mokapa Islet, Wood 8299 (PTBG); Huelo Islet, Woad 3838,8028 (PTBG). CULT. U.S.A. Hawaii. Oahu: Honolulu, Rock 12002, 12005, 12007, 12013, 12014 (BISH); University of Hawaii, Krajina 6277 (BI5H); Waimea Valley Audubon Center, 75p2294, Zona 1006 (HAW). Oahu or Molokai: Hillebrand s. n. (FI); Rack 17345 (BISH); Kamalo, Rack s. n., Feb. 1920 (BISH). Kauai: Hanapepe, Wood 210 (BISH). Guyana: Georgetown, Demerara, Botanic Garden, Anonymous 7970 and 8800 (FI). (Hodel, D. 2007. A Review of the Genus Pritchardia. Palms 51(4): Special Supplement S 1-53.)A


    A. Hodel, D. 2007. A Review of the Genus Pritchardia. Palms 51(4): Special Supplement S 1-53.