Euterpe longibracteata Barb.Rodr., Enum. Palm. Nov. : 17 (1875)

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Venezuela (Amazonas, Bolívar, Delta Amacuro), Guyana, and Brazil (Amazonas, Mato Grosso, Pará); lowland forest, usually on terra firme but also in inundated areas, at low elevations. (Gloria Galeano & A. Henderson: Flora Neotropica, Monograph 72)A


  • This species, one of the most poorly known of the genus, occurs sympatrically with Euterpe precatoria and less often with E. oleracea. The large peduncular bracts described by Barbosa Rodrigues (1875) have not been observed on our specimens. His description and illustration (Barbosa Rodrigues, 1903), however, agree so well with our specimens that we have little doubt that they all represent the same species. (Gloria Galeano & A. Henderson: Flora Neotropica, Monograph 72)A

Common Name

  • Brazil: a?aí chumbo, acaí da mata, assay da terra firme. (Gloria Galeano & A. Henderson: Flora Neotropica, Monograph 72)A


  • Stems solitary or occasionally cespitose, erect, 5-15(-20) m tall, 5-8 cm diam. , with a cone of orange to red roots at base, these 0.5-1.5 m long.
    Leaves 8-9, spreading; sheath 0.8-1.5 m long including a 1 cm long ligule, green, with scattered, reddish brown, wooly scales; petiole 19-41 cm long, with scaltered scales like those of sheath adaxially, glabrous and yellowish green abaxially; rachis 2.5-3 m long, with scales like those of petiole adaxially, glabrous abaxially; pinnae 70-79 per side, spreading, pendulous, subopposite, with prominent midvein and 2 lateral, submarginal veins, the midvein with few to many ramenta abaxially; basal pinna 39-45 x 0.3-0.6 cm; middle pinnae 52-59 x 1.5-2.5 cm; apical pinna 14-21 x 0.5-0.6 cm.
    Inflorescences infrafoliar, ± horizontal at anthesis; peduncle 6-10 cm long, 1.5-2.5 cm diam., densely covered with brown, branched hairs; prophyll 45-65 cm long, 5 cm diam.; peduncular bract 60-68 cm long including a 2 cm long umbo, 7 cm diam.; rachis 11 - 36 cm long, with hairs like those of peduncle; rachillae ca. 60, 21-45 cm long, 1.5-2 mm diam. at anthesis, 2.5 mm diam. in fruit, absent from most of adaxial surface of rachis, drying brown, densely covered with 0.3 mm long, branched, stiff, whitish hairs; flowers in triads almost to apex of rachillae; triad bracteole prominent; first nower bracteole obscure, second and third flower bracteoles unequal, the longest 0.7 mm long; staminate flowers to 5.5 mm long; sepals very widely ovate, abruptly acuminate, to 2 mm long, gibbous, ciliate; petals ovate, 5 mm long, abruptly acuminate; stamens arranged on a short receptacle; filaments 1.5 mm long, flattened, briefly connate below; anthers 3 mm long; pistillode 2 mm long, deeply trifid at apex; pistillate flowers to 3 mm long; sepals very widely ovate, 2.5 mm long, minutely ciliate; petals very widely ovate, 2.5 mm long, minutely ciliate.
    Fruits globose, 1- 1.2 cm diam., the stigmatic remains prominent, subapical or lateral; epicarp purple-black, minutely tuberculate; seeds globose; endosperm homogeneous; eophyll not seen. (Gloria Galeano & A. Henderson: Flora Neotropica, Monograph 72)A

Materials Examined

  • . VENEZUELA. AMAZONAS: Alto Orinoco, Salto Salas, 02°16'N, 64°19'W, 18 Aug 1951, Croizat 499 (NY); Sierra Parima, 03°49'N, 64°36'W, 795- 830 m, 18 Apr- 23 May 1973, Steyermark 107188 (BH, MO).
    BOLIVAR: Mpio. Autónomo Sucre, lower Río Caura, 18 km SW of Maripa, 07°17'N, 65°13'W, 160 m, 1 Apr 05°5 4'N, 62°15'W, 23 Apr 1986, Liesner & Holst 20208 (MO).
    DELTA AMACURO: Dept. Tueupita, 13 km ESE of Sierra Imata, 08°23'N, 62°23'W, 4-6 Apr 1979, Davidse & González 16507 (MO).
    GUYANA. Kanuku Mountains, Maca Moco Mt., 03°19'N, 59°34'W, 630 m, 10 Nov 1987, Jansen-Jacobs et al. 832 (NY).
    BRAZIL. AMAZONAS: Mpio. Humaitá, BR 230, km 140, ca. 07°58'S, 62°02'W, 16 Apr 1985. Henderson 247 (INPA, NY).
    MATO GROSSO: Aripuaná, 09°10'S, 60°40'W, 17 Mar 1977, Anderson 293 (INPA); 1 Oct 1975, Lisbôa et al. 572 (INPA); 12°49'S, 51°46'W, 22 Oct 1968, Harley et al. 10758 (UB); Mpio. Alta Floresta, 44 km E of Rio Apiacá, 09°56'5, 56°38'W, 29 Sep 1985, Thomas et al. 4081 (INPA, NY).
    PARA: Mpio. Itaituba, Santarém- Cuiabá. rd ., BR 163, km 1208, Serra Mazi, 05°55'S, 55°40'W, 18 May 1983, Amaral 1299 (INPA, NY); Santarém-Cuiabá rd., BR 163, km 890 from Santarém, 10 Nov 1977, Balick et al. 918 (INPA, NY); Caehimbo, 25 Nov 1976, Cordeiro 1199 (MG); Boa Vista on Rio Tapajos, May- Jun 1929, Dahlgren & Sella 132 (F); Rio Tapajos, Capueho, Ford Co., Jul 1933, Dahlgren 522 (MO); between Rio Branco and Obidos. 23 Dec 1913, Ducke 15227 (MG); Marabá, 20 Apr 1982, Secco et al. 265 (NY). (Gloria Galeano & A. Henderson: Flora Neotropica, Monograph 72)A


    A. Gloria Galeano & A. Henderson: Flora Neotropica, Monograph 72