Heterospathe intermedia (Becc.) Fernando, Kew Bull. 45: 226 (1990)

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  • As with Ptychoraphis microcarpa, Moore (1970) referred P. intermedia to Heterospathe but also did not formally transfer the epithet. H. intermedia is readily recognizable by its tall habit, the glossy, yellowish-green petiole and rachis, the glaucescent leaf sheaths, and the long (to 50 cm) and rather thick(to 5 mm) rachillae. This species is confined to the eastern portion of the Philippine archipelago and reaches Luzon only up to the southern tip of the Bicol Peninsula following a distribution pattern similar to that of Areca caliso Becc. and Calamus aidae Fernando. (Fernando, E.S. 1990: The genus Heterospathe (Palmae: Arecoideae) in the Philippines)A

Materials Examined

  • LUZON. Sorsogon Prov., Irosin, Mt Bulusan, Elmer 14937 (BM, FI, K)., Madulid et. al. 5188 (PNH), Bulusan Lake, Fernando 541 (K, LBC), Pancho 2502 (CAHP) and 2487 (CAHP); SAMAR: Catubig River, Edaño PNH 24753 (K); BILIRAN: Naval, Mt Sayao, Fernando 673 (BH, K, LBC), locality not known, McGregor B.S. 18907 (FI); LEYTE: Mt Abucayan, Edaño B.S. 41694 (K), Ormoc, Mt Janagdan, Edaño 2353 (PNH), Baybay, Mt Pangasugan, Fernando 651 (K, LBC); MINDANAO: Agusan Prov., Cabadbaran, Mt Urdaneta, Elmer 13663 (lectotype of Ptychoraphis intermedia Becc., FI; isolectotypes BM, K), Surigao Prov., Mt Kabatuan, Mendoza and Convocar 426 (PNH). (Fernando, E.S. 1990: The genus Heterospathe (Palmae: Arecoideae) in the Philippines)A


    A. Fernando, E.S. 1990: The genus Heterospathe (Palmae: Arecoideae) in the Philippines