Dypsis jeremiei Rakotoarin. & J.Dransf., Kew Bull. 65(2): 293 (2010)

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Northeast Madagascar, known only from Iampirano area, in Ambatovaky Reserve. (M. Rakotoarinivo & Dransfield, J. 2010: New species of Dypsis and Ravenea (Arecaceae) from Madagascar. – Kew Bulletin 65: 279-303)A


  • Middle altitude forest, on rocky substratum; 946 m. (M. Rakotoarinivo & Dransfield, J. 2010: New species of Dypsis and Ravenea (Arecaceae) from Madagascar. – Kew Bulletin 65: 279-303)A


  • In inflorescence structure and vegetative habit this species resembles Dypsis procumbens but it is immediately distinguishable by its deeply ruminate endosperm. It appears to belong to the informal Group 17 (D. nodifera) by virtue of the ruminate endosperm, but it can immediately be distinguished from D. nodifera by the very different leaflet arrangement and form, the absence of swellings at the bases of the leaflets and the inflorescence branched to 1 (rarely 2) order. The species is named for the collector, Jeremie (Jimmy) Razafitsalama. (M. Rakotoarinivo & Dransfield, J. 2010: New species of Dypsis and Ravenea (Arecaceae) from Madagascar. – Kew Bulletin 65: 279-303)A


  • Inflorescentia foliis D. procumbenti similis sed endospermio ruminato bene distincta; a D. nodifera Mart. habitu caespitoso foliolis anguste linearibus differ inflorescenti in 1 (2) ordines ramificanti. (M. Rakotoarinivo & Dransfield, J. 2010: New species of Dypsis and Ravenea (Arecaceae) from Madagascar. – Kew Bulletin 65: 279-303)A


  • Vulnerable [VU (D2)], restricted to Ambatovaky Reserve where the species has been recorded from a patch of forest less than 5 km2. (M. Rakotoarinivo & Dransfield, J. 2010: New species of Dypsis and Ravenea (Arecaceae) from Madagascar. – Kew Bulletin 65: 279-303)A


  • Clustering palm. Stems up to 2 m high, to 2 cm diam., internodes 3- 6 cm long. Leaves 8- 10 in the crown; sheath 25- 28 cm long, 1-1.6 cm diam., pale green, forming a well defined crownshaft, glabrous, auricles absent; petiole 16- 27 cm long, c. 4 mm diam., with scattered grey scales, adaxially slightly channelled; rachis 46- 67 cm long, in mid-leaf c. 4 mm wide, pubescent on adaxial surface and with scattered scales abaxially; leaflets 10-14 on each side of the rachis, irregularly arranged in scattered groups, proximal leaflets 16.5- 24x 1.2- 2.7 cm, median leaflets 18- 27x 1.7- 2.6 cm, distal leaflets often multifold, 11.2-12.5 x 1.4- 4.6 cm, main veins 1-3, apices 4- 6.5 cm wide, lamina surfaces minutely scaly. Inflorescence interfoliar, branched to 1 (. 2) order(s), erect; peduncle 15- 32.5 cm long, 3- 5 mm wide, glabrous to slightly scaly; prophyll 7.8- 14 cm long, c. 8 mm wide, borne at the base of the peduncle, split in the distal 6 . 8 mm, glabrous; peduncular bract marcescent, inserted at 5.3- 7.6 cm from the base of the peduncle, 13.2- 26 cm long, glabrous, split to about 4- .5 cm along its length in the distal part, with a beak c. 2 mm long; rachis 11-16.5 cm long, densely pubescent, with 0 (1) branched and 6 . 12 unbranched first order branches; rachillae 7.5- 18 cm long, 1.5- 2 mm diam., scaly, triads distant. Staminate flowers with sepals 1.5- 2x 0.8-1 mm, asymmetrical; petals 2- 2.3x 1-1.2 mm; stamens 6, biseriate, filaments 0.3-0.5 mm, anthers 1-1.2x 0.4 mm, elongate, dorsifixed; pistillode 0.4 . 0.7 mm high, c. 0.2 mm diam. Pistillate flowers with sepals 1 -1.8x 0.8-1.2 mm; petals 0.8-1.1x 0.6- 0.8 mm; gynoecium c. 0.6x 0.4 mm. Fruits ellipsoid, 9-12x 4-5 mm, red; endocarp fibrous. Seed 9-10x 2.5-3 mm, endosperm deeply ruminate. (M. Rakotoarinivo & Dransfield, J. 2010: New species of Dypsis and Ravenea (Arecaceae) from Madagascar. – Kew Bulletin 65: 279-303)A

Materials Examined

  • MADAGASCAR. Toamasina: Soanierana Ivongo, Ambatovaky Reserve: 2 km NW of Iampirano, 16°48'28"S 49°10'12"E, 13 Dec. 2003, J. L. Razafitsalama et al. 558 (holotype K!; isotypes MO, TAN!). (M. Rakotoarinivo & Dransfield, J. 2010: New species of Dypsis and Ravenea (Arecaceae) from Madagascar. – Kew Bulletin 65: 279-303)A


    A. M. Rakotoarinivo & Dransfield, J. 2010: New species of Dypsis and Ravenea (Arecaceae) from Madagascar. – Kew Bulletin 65: 279-303