Geonoma longivaginata subsp. longivaginata

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From 8°40-11°30'N and 79°40-84°25'W in Nicaragua, Costa Rica (Atlantic and Pacific slopes) and Panama at 185(5-1000) m elevation in lowland tropical rainforest. (Henderson, A.J. (2011) A revision of Geonoma. Phytotaxa 17: 1-271.)A


  • The outlying specimens from the Santa Rita Ridge in Panama (de Nevers 10649, Hammel 14498, Porter 4741) have fewer pinnae, wider basal pinnae, and fewer rachillae than the others, but there are too few specimens to test for differences. Three specimens (Cooper 493, de Nevers 6864, Lewis2162) from western Panama are smaller than others and resemble Geonoma deversa subsp. deversa (although this subspecies does not occur in the area). They may be hybrids and are not included in the above description and analysis. (Henderson, A.J. (2011) A revision of Geonoma. Phytotaxa 17: 1-271.)A


  • Leaves veins not raised or slightly raised and triangular in cross-section adaxially; rachis 67.2(42.0-101.0) cm long.
    Inflorescences peduncles 9.5(5.0-16.0) cm long; rachillae 7(4?18), 25.7(10.0-42.0) cm long. (Henderson, A.J. (2011) A revision of Geonoma. Phytotaxa 17: 1-271.)A


    A. Henderson, A.J. (2011) A revision of Geonoma. Phytotaxa 17: 1-271.