Iguanura perdana C.K.Lim, Gard. Bull. Singapore 48: 55 (1998)

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Perak; damp hill slopes, alt. 500m. (Lim C.K. 1996. Unravelling Iguanura Bl. (Palmae) in Peninsular Malaysia. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 48: 2-64)A


  • This tantalising taxon needs to be described and recorded even if somewhat incompletely. in view of its rarity; we have only found less than ten plants in one threatened locality. Although it is within a Forest Reserve, adjacent felling and land schemes may affect its survival. It grows sympatrically. with the common I. bicornis and the new I. wallichiana var. rosea. The very large leaves are a third to twice the size of thc adjacent I. bicornis. usually trapezoidal. but another pinnate form has been seen with parallel-sided leaflets. The inflorescences are signally different. lingering (perhaps because of size) among the leaf sheaths, which are of the abscissing type, leaving clean scars. but are more fibrous, and appear to persist in support of the stout but gangling rachillae. The unique fruit collected was somewhat like a dirty tooth. irregular but not bigibbous. This sampling is incomplete. but other characteristics set this taxon apart not onlv from I. bicornis and I. polytmorpha but also from I. belumensis.
    The population is certainly not sterile. as seedlings and the one tantalisingly solitary fruit collected prove. It is indeed an imposing erect taxon. and the epithet, which means prime (in Malay). alludes at attributes which n?leader prirtrus inter pares, should have. (Lim C.K. 1996. Unravelling Iguanura Bl. (Palmae) in Peninsular Malaysia. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 48: 2-64)A


  • Affinis I. bicornis sed habitu solitario raro caespitoso; elatior, erecta ad 4.5 m, laminis majoribus inflorescentiis robustis fructa non bicorni, excentrico apico plano bene distincta. (Lim C.K. 1996. Unravelling Iguanura Bl. (Palmae) in Peninsular Malaysia. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 48: 2-64)A


  • Means prime (in Malay). (Lim C.K. 1996. Unravelling Iguanura Bl. (Palmae) in Peninsular Malaysia. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 48: 2-64)A


  • Usually solitary, rarely with basal branches, stilt-rooted, stem greyish brown. erect, 1.8cm diam.. robust. erect, to 4.5m; internodes 4-5cm, leaves abscissing, large 100cm x 50cm. pinnate with two forms of leaflets. few (six pairs) broadly flaring distally or numerous (15-17 pairs) narrowly parallel-sided, petiole 20cm, leaf sheath 29cm, green with brown indumentum: often persisting in inflorescence thereby remaining interfoliar, rachillae stout. succulent, nine to ten branches, to 45cm long with 30cm peduncle: flowers widely spaced, relatively large; fruit (only one seen to date). unripe yellow, pink, like hicornis but eccentric, with flat top. not two-lobed. (Lim C.K. 1996. Unravelling Iguanura Bl. (Palmae) in Peninsular Malaysia. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 48: 2-64)A

Materials Examined

  • Perak, Kroh. H 1507 SING; C.K.Lim H 1254, H 1366, H 1412, H 1572 PSM Collection. (Lim C.K. 1996. Unravelling Iguanura Bl. (Palmae) in Peninsular Malaysia. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 48: 2-64)A


    A. Lim C.K. 1996. Unravelling Iguanura Bl. (Palmae) in Peninsular Malaysia. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 48: 2-64