Iguanura melinauensis Kiew, Gard. Bull. Singapore 28: 208 (1976)

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Sarawak: Melinau district, 4th Division. (Kiew R. 1976. The Genus Iguanura Bl. (Palmae). Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 28:191-226)A


  • Palma humilis: caulis 1/2-1 1/2 maltus, cortice laeve. Annuli 2-2 1/2 cm distantes. Vagina folii 9-14 cm longa. Petiolus brevis 7-12 cm longus. Lamina 30-65 cmlonga, 12-16 em lata, in 2-5 paribus segmentorum divisa. Margines segmentorum parallelae, sed angulo apicale distale elongato. Segmenta terminalia lata: nervi 1/2-3/4 cm distantes. Inflorescentia inter-vel infra·foliata. Spalha externa ad 20 cm longa, spatha interna 25-30 em longa. Pedunculus 42-53 em longus. Rachillae 4-7, rectae, 10-20 cm longae, 1-2 mm latae, 45 ° divergentes. Flores H cm distantes. Antherae lobatae. Fructus olivaeformis crista centrale cristis duobus utrinque. Endospermium homogeneum cristis ad cristam endocarpii congruentibus. (Kiew R. 1976. The Genus Iguanura Bl. (Palmae). Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 28:191-226)A


  • Stem 1/2-1 1/2 m tall. Bark smooth. Annuli 2-2 1/2 cm apart. Crownshaft 22-30 cm long. Leaf sheath 9-14 cm long. Petiole short, 7-12 cm long. Lamina 30-65 ecm long and 12-16 cm wide, divided into 2-5 pairs of segments. Segments parallel-sided but with apical distal corner elongate. Terminal segment pair wide, often 1/3-1/2 as long as whole laminal region. Veins 1/2-3/4 cm apart. Inflorescence among or below the leaves. Outer spathe 20 cm long, inner 25-30 cm long. Peduncle 42-53 cm long. Rachillae 4-7, straight, 10-20 cm long and 1-2 mm thick, diverging at 45 degress. Flowers 11 cm apart. Anthers lobed. Fruit olive-shaped with central ridge and two lateral ridges on either side. Endosperm homogeneous and with ridges corresponding to the endocarp. (Kiew R. 1976. The Genus Iguanura Bl. (Palmae). Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 28:191-226)A

Materials Examined

  • Melinau 4th Division Melinau Gorge. Chew 487 SING holotype (!), SARF (!); Anderson and Keng K 81 SARF (I); G. Api, Chai S30057 K(!). (Kiew R. 1976. The Genus Iguanura Bl. (Palmae). Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 28:191-226)A


  • All collections are from a single locality - Melinau and in the Melinau Gorge it is recorded living on limestone debris as well as on alluvial soil. The complete collections indicate that the Melinau population is probably extensive enough to allow selection of plants in both flower and fruit.
    This species is recognised by its narrow leaves with a large pair of terminal segments, by its long peduncle and its fine and diverging rachillae, its ridged fruit and ridged endosperm. The species epithet refers to its locality, Melinau. (Kiew R. 1976. The Genus Iguanura Bl. (Palmae). Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 28:191-226)A


    A. Kiew R. 1976. The Genus Iguanura Bl. (Palmae). Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 28:191-226