Iguanura minor Kiew, Gard. Bull. Singapore 28: 209 (1976)

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Sarawak, G. Pueh. 1st Division. (Kiew R. 1976. The Genus Iguanura Bl. (Palmae). Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 28:191-226)A


  • Palma humilis, caulis ad 4 maltus, 3/4-1 cm diametro. Annuli 1 1/2; cm distantes. Vagina folii ad 10 cm longa. Folia marcesentia. Petiolus 4-10 cm longus. Lamina indivisa 30-40 em longa, 12-14 cm lata; vel in 2-3 (7) paribus segmentarum parallelilaterum apicis elongatis divisa. Inflorescentia intenolia, simplex 30-50 cm longa in toto, pedunculo 15-30 cm longo. Spatha interior 14 em longa. Flos masculus antheris lobatis. Fructus olivaeformis nee porcatus nec striatus. (Kiew R. 1976. The Genus Iguanura Bl. (Palmae). Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 28:191-226)A


  • Stem up to 4 mtall, 3/4-1 em thick. Annuli 1 1/2 cm apart. Crownshaft c. 10 cm long. Leaves marcescent. Petiole 4-10 em long. Lamina simple 30-40 cm long and narrow, 12-14 cm wide or divided into 2-3 (7) pairs of narrow, parallel-sided segments each with an elongated apex. Inflorescence among the leaves, unbranched, total length, 30-50 em of which 15-30 cm is the peduncle. Inner spathe 14 cm long. Male flower with anthers lobed. Fruit olive-shaped, not ridged nor ribbed. (Kiew R. 1976. The Genus Iguanura Bl. (Palmae). Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 28:191-226)A

Materials Examined

  • Sarawak, G. Pueh. Foxworthy 242 FI (!) 241 FI (!); Purseglove P4748 K (!); at 4500' Clemens 20474 K (!). (Kiew R. 1976. The Genus Iguanura Bl. (Palmae). Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 28:191-226)A


  • This species has been collected from a single locality, Gunung Pueh in Sarawak. It is a slender palm with particularly small and narrow simple leaves (Foxworthy 241) while the dissected leaved plant possesses long and narrow leaf segments; the inflorescence is unbranched - for reason of the small leaves and inflorescence it has been named I. minor.
    It is closely related to l. lVallichiana in possessing parallel-sided leaf segments, unlobed anthers and an olive-shaped fruit without ribs or ridges on the endocarp. I. wallichiana val' malaccensis in addition possesses unbranched inflorescences and has been collected from G. Mattang (Dransfield 768). I. minor is distinguished from I. wallichiana by the leaf shape - l. minor has a simple leaf which is particularly narrow, and has a deeply toothed margin at the apex and both simple and dissected leaves have a narrow apical notch.
    This single population at G. Pueh might be analagous to the populations of I. wallichiana subsp. malaccensis with distinctive leafshapes at Gunung Belumut and Kemaman in Malaya which are regarded as varieties of the large and variable Malayan population. Since information about variation within the Sarawak population of Iguanura is not available I have described the Gunung Pueh population as a separate species. (Kiew R. 1976. The Genus Iguanura Bl. (Palmae). Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 28:191-226)A


    A. Kiew R. 1976. The Genus Iguanura Bl. (Palmae). Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 28:191-226