Iguanura myochodoides Kiew, Gard. Bull. Singapore 28: 210 (1976)

Primary tabs



Sarawak, Kuching 1st Division. (Kiew R. 1976. The Genus Iguanura Bl. (Palmae). Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 28:191-226)A


  • Palma humilis; caulis c. 0.6 m altus. 7.5 mm crassus. Annuli 1-3 cm distantes, vaginae coronae 26 cm longa. Folia abscissa. Vagina folii 9-11 cm longa. Petiolus 11-13 cm longus. Lamina 26-37 cm longa, 13-18 cm lata in 2-3 paribus segmentorum latium paralleli laterum divisa. lnflorescentia interfolia. Pedunculus 13-20 cm longus, rectus. 1-2 mm diametro; rachiallae 4-6. curtae ex axe vix divergentes. Flos masculus antheris lobatis. Fructus elJipsoideus 1.5 cm longus, 0.7 cm latus, porca unica centrale, porca duobus lateralibus. (Kiew R. 1976. The Genus Iguanura Bl. (Palmae). Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 28:191-226)A


  • Stem c. 0.6 mtall, 3/4 cm thick. Annuli 1-3 cm apart. Crownshaft 26 cm long. Leaves ab.scissing. Leaf sheath 9-11 cm long. Petiole 11-13 cm long. Lamina 26-37 cm long and 13-18 cm wide, divided into 2-3 pairs of wide parallel·sided segments. Inflorescence among the leaves. Peduncle long. 13-20 cm and straight and 1-2 mm thick with a few. 4-6, short c. 7-9 cm, rachillae which scarcely diverge from the main axis. Male flowers with lobed anthers. Fruit ellipsoidal. longer?(1.5 cm) than wide (0.7 cm) with one central rib and with a lateral one on either?side. (Kiew R. 1976. The Genus Iguanura Bl. (Palmae). Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 28:191-226)A

Materials Examined

  • Sarawak: Kuching. G. Tieng. Clemens 20541 SARF (!) (isotype) K (!). G. Penrissen. Jacobs 5024 K (!) SARF (!). (Kiew R. 1976. The Genus Iguanura Bl. (Palmae). Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 28:191-226)A


  • This species is distinct from others in possessing an erect inflor. with narrowly divergent short rachillae and by its fruits. Most species of Iguanura have an olive-shaped fruit or those that are elongate in shape are either bigibbous (I. bicornis) or curved (I. polymorpha, I. corniculata) but I. myochodoides takes its name from its peculiar fruit shape which is that of a giant mouse dropping. (Kiew R. 1976. The Genus Iguanura Bl. (Palmae). Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 28:191-226)A


    A. Kiew R. 1976. The Genus Iguanura Bl. (Palmae). Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 28:191-226