Pinanga humilis A.J.Hend., N.K.Ban & N.Q.Dung, Palms (1999+). 52: 68 (2008)

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Endemic to central Vietnam in Quang Nam and near Da Nang City. (Henderson, A., Khac Ban, N. and Quoc Dung, N. 2008. New Species of Pinanga (Palmae) from Vietnam. Palms 52(2): 63-69)A


  • Henderson, A., Khac Ban, N. and Quoc Dung, N. 2008. New Species of Pinanga (Palmae) from Vietnam. Palms 52(2): 63-69A


  • A speciebus omnibus Pinangae Vietnamensibus vaginis foliorum persistentibus reclusis, inflorescentiis interfoliaribus et triadibus distiche dispositis differt. (Henderson, A., Khac Ban, N. and Quoc Dung, N. 2008. New Species of Pinanga (Palmae) from Vietnam. Palms 52(2): 63-69)A

Biology And Ecology

  • In lowland forest on steep slopes at 350 m elevation. (Henderson, A., Khac Ban, N. and Quoc Dung, N. 2008. New Species of Pinanga (Palmae) from Vietnam. Palms 52(2): 63-69)A

Common Name

  • Cay nui (Henderson, A., Khac Ban, N. and Quoc Dung, N. 2008. New Species of Pinanga (Palmae) from Vietnam. Palms 52(2): 63-69)A


    • Stems clustered, forming small clumps, to 0.9 m tall, 1 cm diameter, green with reddishbrown scales. Leaves 5; sheaths open, not forming crownshafts, 7-13 cm long, covered with reddish-brown scales; ocreas 1-2.5 cm long, early deciduous; petioles 59-78 cm long, green; rachis 38-39 cm long; pinnae 5-7 per side of rachis, linear, contracted at the bases, middle pinna 32-33 cm long, 2 cm wide at the middle, apical pinna 15.5-21 cm long, 2 cm wide at the middle, lobed; veins scarcely raised adaxially. Inflorescences interfoliar, pushing through the persistent, disintegrating, subtending leaf sheaths, erect; peduncles 0.5-0.8 cm long, 0.3 cm wide; prophylls 3-4.5 cm long; rachis absent; rachillae 1-3, 4-4.5 cm long, rectangular in cross-section, glabrous; triads distichously arranged; staminate flowers 6.5 mm long; sepals forming a 3-lobed, flat, membranous calyx 1.5 mm long; petals 3, 6 mm long, triangular, fleshy, acute; stamens 9-13; pistillate flowers 2.5 mm long; calyx 2.5 mm long with 3, free, imbricate, ciliate, nonacuminate sepals; corolla similar to the calyx; ovary 2.5 mm long. Fruits 1.7 cm long, 0.5 cm diameter, ellipsoid, color unknown; endosperm ruminate. (Henderson, A., Khac Ban, N. and Quoc Dung, N. 2008. New Species of Pinanga (Palmae) from Vietnam. Palms 52(2): 63-69)A

    Materials Examined

    • Pinanga humilis differs from all previously described species of Pinanga from Vietnam by its leaf sheaths which do not form a distinct crownshaft and inflorescences which are not infrafoliar. In this it is similar to P. cattienensis, differing in its distichously (versus spirally) arranged triads; 38-39 cm long (versus 90-95 cm long) rachis; and 5-7 (versus 9-13) pinnae per side of the rachis. (Henderson, A., Khac Ban, N. and Quoc Dung, N. 2008. New Species of Pinanga (Palmae) from Vietnam. Palms 52(2): 63-69)A


      A. Henderson, A., Khac Ban, N. and Quoc Dung, N. 2008. New Species of Pinanga (Palmae) from Vietnam. Palms 52(2): 63-69