Pinanga glaucifolia Fernando, Kew Bull. 49: 776 (1994)

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Luzon (Camarines Norte Prov.) (Fernando, E.S. 1994: New Species of Pinanga (Palmae : Arecoideae) from Luzon Island, Philippines)A


  • This species is similar to Pinanga philippinensis in general features but it is distinguishable in its solitary habit, the leaflets distinctly glaucous on the undersurface and the mature ripe fruits ovoid-globose or sphaeroidal. (Fernando, E.S. 1994: New Species of Pinanga (Palmae : Arecoideae) from Luzon Island, Philippines)A


  • P. philippinensi Becc. similis, sed habitu solitario, pagina inferiore foliorum distincte glauca, et fructibus maturitate globosis vel spheroidalibus differt. (Fernando, E.S. 1994: New Species of Pinanga (Palmae : Arecoideae) from Luzon Island, Philippines)A

Biology And Ecology

  • In lowland dipterocarp forest; c. 100-200 m. Endemic. (Fernando, E.S. 1994: New Species of Pinanga (Palmae : Arecoideae) from Luzon Island, Philippines)A


  • Pinanga glaucifolia is the second species of Pinanga, after P. bicolana Fernando, recently discovered from the now rapidly diminishing Bicol National Park. Both species are greatly endangered due to habitat destruction in the area caused by uncontrolled illegal logging, timber poaching, charcoal making and slash-and- burn farming. (Fernando, E.S. 1994: New Species of Pinanga (Palmae : Arecoideae) from Luzon Island, Philippines)A


  • Solitary, slender to moderate, pleonanthic monoecious undergrowth palm, to 3 m tall. Stem to 6 cm diam.; internodes 3-7 cm long, the younger portions of the stem often covered with greyish-brown indumentum as the leaf sheath. Crownshaft elongate, cylindrical, slightly swollen, to 45 cm long. Leaves to 8 in crown; sheath to 30 cm long, densely covered with greyish-brown indumentum; leaf without sheath to 1 m long; petiole c. 9-23 x 0.6-1 cm, shallowly channelled adaxially, convex abaxially, densely covered with brown scaly indumentum; rachis angular, bifacial adaxially and nearly glabrous, obtusely rounded abaxially and densely covered with brown scaly indumentum as petiole. Leaflets to 24 on each side of the rachis, ± sigmoidal, generally unicostate except occasionally for basal and subapical and apical leaflets, regularly arranged, 2.5-4 cm apart, the apex long-acuminate to subfalcate, glossy green adaxially and drying greyish, prominently glaucous on undersurface when fresh, the mid- costa sharply edged, the leaflets often drying brittle; basal leaflets 1-costate, rarely 2- or 3-costate, c. 17-41 x 0.5-2.7 cm; middle leaflets 1-costate, c. 44-47 x 1.1-1.3 cm; apical leaflets 5-6-costate, c. 14-27 x 2.0-2.5 cm, joined to 4 cm at the base along the rachis, the apex incised to as many lobes as there are costae, the lobes acute to acuminate, to 2 cm long. Inflorescence infrafoliar, pendulous; prophyll ensiform, 2-keeled, c. 19 x 5.5 cm; peduncle c. 2-3 x 1-1.5 cm, flattened, to 4 mm thick, glabrous, somewhat orange when fresh; main axis 3-6 cm long, tapering distally; rachillae 6-10, each 10-18 cm long, flattened, ± triangular at very base only, to 5 mm wide, 3 mm thick when dry, somewhat orange when fresh as peduncle, the subtending bract a narrow, low collar; triads borne distichously along the rachilla. Staminate flower triangular, trigonous, asymmetrical, 11 x 7 mm; calyx poorly developed, present only as a shortly 3-lobed very low collar to 6 mm across, rarely to 1 mm high; petals 3, unequal, valvate, + ovate-lanceolate, 8-10 x 5-7 mm; stamens about 26-30; anthers basifixed, 3 x 0.5 mm; filaments to 0.3 mm long. Pistillate flower depressed-globose, 4 x 4-5 mm, sepals as long as the petals; sepals 3, free, unequal, imbricate, ± obtusely rounded at tips, 3 x 4 mm; petals ? narrower than the sepals and more cucullate, the apex shortly apiculate; ovary broadly ovoid, 3.5 x 3 mm, tipped with an irregularly-lobed stigma. Fruiting perianth depressed-cupular, 2.5 mm high, 4 mm across, with a flat base and slightly contracted mouth, the petals and sepals free, imbricate, subequal, glabrous, the subtending bract a low, explanate, semi-annular collar to 0.5 mm high. Fruit distichous, 7-10 mm apart, ripening yellow then red, but ultimately satiny purplish-black; juvenile fruits fusiform, ultimately ovoid-globose or sphaeroidal when ripe, c. 2 x 1.8 cm, obtusely apiculate; epicarp in unripe fruits drying light brown and finely striate, that in ripe fruits generally smooth and often retaining blackish colour; mesocarp fibrous; seed broadly ovoid-globose, c. 1 x 1 cm, ± rounded at both ends; endosperm ruminate; embryo basal. Eophyll bifid, to 6.5 cm long including petiole and sheath; leaf segments to 4-costate, c. 5 x 1.2 cm, cucullate, acuminate at tips. (Fernando, E.S. 1994: New Species of Pinanga (Palmae : Arecoideae) from Luzon Island, Philippines)A

Materials Examined

  • LUZON. Camarines Norte Prov., Bicol National Park, Fernando 496 (LBC), 504 (K, LBC), 558 (holotype LBC; isotypes BH, K, PNH), 823 (LBC), and 857 (K, LBC), Hernaez 3586 (CAHP). (Fernando, E.S. 1994: New Species of Pinanga (Palmae : Arecoideae) from Luzon Island, Philippines)A


    A. Fernando, E.S. 1994: New Species of Pinanga (Palmae : Arecoideae) from Luzon Island, Philippines