Bactris barronis L.H.Bailey, Gentes Herb. 3: 101 (1933)

Primary tabs

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Eastern Panama (Colón, Darién, Panamá, San Blas) and western Colombia (Antioquia, Bolívar, Choco, Valle del Cauca); lowland rain forest at 0-300 m elevation.

Eastern Panama(Colón, Darién, Panama, San Blas) and western Colombia (Antioquia, Bolívar, Chocó, Valle del Cauca); lowland rain forest at 0-300 m elevation. (Henderson, A.J., Bactris (Palmae) in Flora Neotropica Monographs 79. 2000)A


  • Bactris barronis is diagnosed by its tall stems, conspicuously cross-veined pinnae. filamentous rachillae, regularly arranged triads tending to be absent from adaxial side of rachillae, calyx of the pistillate flowers to 1 mm long and corolla to 3.5 mm long, and spinulose fruits. Specimens from Colombia have larger fruits than those from Panama. Hybrids are suspected between this species and B. gasipaes (Colombia. Antioquia: Mun. Mutata, rd. to Pavarondogrande 100-150 m, 13 Dec 1982, Bernal & Galeano 479 (COL). Chocó: Mun. Tadó, 13 km E of Tadó, 150m, 19 Mar 1986, Bernal et al. 1026 (COL)). (Henderson, A.J., Bactris (Palmae) in Flora Neotropica Monographs 79. 2000)A

Common Name

  • Colombia: chonta durilla. Panama: alar (Kuna), caña conga. (Henderson, A.J., Bactris (Palmae) in Flora Neotropica Monographs 79. 2000)A


  • The stems are usedfor making floors in Darien Province, Panama (Duke & Bristan 243). (Henderson, A.J., Bactris (Palmae) in Flora Neotropica Monographs 79. 2000)A


  • Stems cespitose, forming dense clumps, 2- 8 m tall, 3.5-8 cm diam., the internodes prominently spiny.
    Leaves 4-9; leaf spines mostly solitary and scattered, black, slightly flattened, to 12 cm long, dense on sheath and proximal, lateral surfaces of petiole; sheath 30-84 cm long; ocrea not seen; petiole 14-57 cm long; rachis 0.7- 2.6 m long; pinnae 31-45 per side, usually regularly arranged and spreading in the same plane,occasionally irregular or with gaps, linear to linearlanceolate, conspicuously cross-veined, spiny on margins; middle pinnae 47- 82 x 1.5-6 cm. Inflorescencesinterfoliar; peduncle (9-)16-25 cm long, strongly recurved and flattened, spinulose; prophyll 6-19 cm long; peduncular bract 18- 51 cm long, covered with dense black spines to 1(- 2) cm long; rachis 3- 8(- 17)cm long; rachillae 80-90, filamentous, to 12 cm long,at anthesis covered with whitish, moniliform trichomes; triads more or less regularly arranged (but often with solitary staminate flowers interspersed) on proximal ca. half or more of rachillae, and there tending to be absent from adaxial side of rachillae (paired or solitary staminate flowers only on distal ca. half of rachillae); staminate flowers not seen; pistillate flowers 3-6 mm long; calyx cupular, to 1 mm long; coroll a tubular, to 3.5 mm long, pubescent or spinulose;staminodes absent; fruits 1-1.6 cm diam., densely clustered, obovoid, prominently rostrate, orange-red,with short spinules , glabrescent; mesocarp starchy;endocarp turbinate, the pores equidistant or the sterile pores displaced longitudinally; endocarp fibers few, free, terete; fruiting perianth with minute calyxand crenate corolla, irregularly split by the enlarging fruit, without staminodial ring. (Henderson, A.J., Bactris (Palmae) in Flora Neotropica Monographs 79. 2000)A

Materials Examined

  • PANAMA. COLÓN:Forest Preserve, 30 May 1941 , Allen 2538 (BH); Barro Colorado Island, 7 Jul 193 1, Bailey 529 (BH), 8 Jul 193 1, Bailey 535 (BH), 8-10 Aug 1940, Bartlett & Lasser 16727 (MICH),10 Aug 1940, Bartlett 16734 (MICH), 26 Aug 1940, Bartlett 16872 (MICH), 29 Sep 1968, Croat 6534 (MO) , Croat 6541 (MO), 13 Mar 1969, Croat 8627 (MO), 20 Mar 1969, Croat 8792 (MO), 24 Mar 1970, Croat 9030 (MO), 26 Mar 1970,Croat 9127 (MO), 1 Apr 1970, Croat 9272 (MO), 6 Apr 1970, Croat 9450 (MO), 20 May 1970, Croat 10297 (MO), 9 Jun 1970, Croat 10805 (MO), 9 Jun 1970, Croat 10826 (MO), 22 Jun 1970, Croat 10980 (MO), 25 Jun 1970, Croat 11024 (MO), 10 Jul 1970, Croat 11199 (MO), 10 Jul 1971,Croat 15417 (MO), 31 Jul 1971, Croat 16513 (MO), 30 Jul 1934, Shattuck 1080 (F, MO, US); trail from Chagres Riverto Agua Clara, 30 Aug 1940, Bartlett & Lasser 16890 (MICH), 30 Aug 1940, Bartlett & Lasser 16891 (MICH); Fort Sherman, 21 Oct 1988, Garwood & Hogan 1627a (F); Pipeline rd. 4 mi N of Gamboa, 18 Sep 1972, Gentry 6052 (MO); Santa Rita, E of Colón, 200-300 m, Feb 1968, Gómez-Pompa et al. 3190 (MO); 4 km N of Arraijan, 115 m, 27 Sep 1973 , Nee 7159 (MO, US).
    DARIEN: Parque Nacional del Dari en, Estación Rancho Frío at N base of Cerro Pirre, ca. 9 km S of El Real, along Quebrada Peresenico. 8° 1'N,77°44'W, 70-270 m, de Nevers et al. 8264 (CAS); RíoPeresenico, 29 Jun 1966. Duke & Bristan 243 (MO, US ).
    PANAMÁ: Río La Maestra, 0-25 m, 4 Dec 1936, Allen 9 (BH, BM, MO); near Gamboa, 9°05'N, 79°40'W, 50 m, 12 Sep 1987 , McPherson 11705 (MO); 2 km W of Gamboa, near Chagres air strip, 30 m, 25 Oct 1973, Nee 7560 (CAS, MO).
    SAN BLAs: Yar Bired, 9°20'N, 79°8'W, 5 Feb 1986, deNevers 6943 (MO); near Cangandí, 9°24'N, 79°24'W, 3-30 m, de Nevers et al. 7415 (MO).
    COLOMBIA. ANTIOQUIA: Río Claro, 5°53'N, 74°39'W, 2 Apr 1984, Cogollo 1561 (MO). BOLÍVAR: LaRaya, 8°20'N, 74°55'W, 5 May 1987, Gentry & Cuadros 57376 (MO).
    CUOCÓ: Mun. Tadó, 2 km E of town, 100 m, 18 Mar 1986, Bernal et al. 1019 (COL, FTG, NY); 4 km Eof Quibdó, 12 Jun 1982, Gentry & Brand 36781 (MO); Mecana, N of Bahía Solano, 6°16'N. 77°19'W, 2 Jan 1984, Juneosa 1633 (MO), 10 Jan 1984, Juneosa 1859 (MO).
    VALLE DEL CAUCA: Bajo Calima, 32 km NE of Buenaventura, 5 Mar 1979, A. Anderson 16 (BH); Buenaventura, 3 May 1926, Cook 65 (US), 26 May 1926, Cook 147 (US). (Henderson, A.J., Bactris (Palmae) in Flora Neotropica Monographs 79. 2000)A

Use Record

  • Bactris barronis L.H.Bailey: Los frutos en la alimentación y con la estípite se elaboran trampas para capturar pescados (Ahorro y Trincheras) (Pino, N., and H. Valois 2004: Ethnobotany of Four Black Communities of the Municipality of Quibdo, Choco - Colombia.)
    Use CategoryUse Sub CategoryPlant PartHuman GroupEthnic GroupCountry
    Human FoodFoodFruitsAfro-AmericanoN/AColombia
    Utensils and ToolsHunting and fishingStemAfro-AmericanoN/AColombia


    A. Henderson, A.J., Bactris (Palmae) in Flora Neotropica Monographs 79. 2000