Calamus henryanus Becc., Rec. Bot. Surv. India 2: 199 (1902)

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China (North-west, South-east and South Yunnan, South-east China), Thailand (North and North-east), Laos (North and Central) and Vietnam (Tonkin and North Annam). (Evans, T., Sengdala, K., Thammavong, B., Viengkham, O.V. & Dransfield, J. 2002: A Synopsis of the Rattans (Arecaceae: Calamoideae) of Laos and Neighbouring Parts of Indochina)A


  • The differences used by Beccari to diagnose C. henryanus and C. balansaeanus (each based upon a single, incomplete specimen) can no longer be used. The much more extensive material now available (including topotypical material of C. henryanus from Yunnan) shows that variation in leaflet length, exact degree of branching in the female inflorescence and various other quantitative characters is much too great for two distinct taxa to be recognised. The support of the neuter flower is slightly enlarged (about 1 mm tall) in the type specimen of C. henryanus relative to all the other female material examined but this alone cannot be considered a suitable character for defining a species. Contrary to the key given by Pei et al. (1991) the two taxa cannot be recognised on the basis that one has regularly pinnate leaflets and the other interrupted pinnate ones. The variety castaneolepis of C. henryanus was diagnosed on the basis of fruit size and the proportion of chestnut on the fruit scales. The latter is about 50% in the type of variety castaneolepis, not 100% as implied by the protologue. Both differences are attributable to the fruit being immature and thus are not felt significant enough to merit recognition of a separate variety. (Evans, T., Sengdala, K., Thammavong, B., Viengkham, O.V. & Dransfield, J. 2002: A Synopsis of the Rattans (Arecaceae: Calamoideae) of Laos and Neighbouring Parts of Indochina)A

Biology And Ecology

  • Scrub and evergreen forest at 600 - 1100 m (Laos), 450 - 1300 m (Thailand) and 1350 m (China). (Evans, T., Sengdala, K., Thammavong, B., Viengkham, O.V. & Dransfield, J. 2002: A Synopsis of the Rattans (Arecaceae: Calamoideae) of Laos and Neighbouring Parts of Indochina)A


  • Probably of little concern since it is quite common, is under low harvesting pressure and grows well in degraded forest. (Evans, T., Sengdala, K., Thammavong, B., Viengkham, O.V. & Dransfield, J. 2002: A Synopsis of the Rattans (Arecaceae: Calamoideae) of Laos and Neighbouring Parts of Indochina)A

Common Name

  • wai namlee, wai hangnou, wai khairp, wai faatgay (Lao Loum), blong knair (Khamu), kateng blaou (Hmong), wai bun (Thailand). (Evans, T., Sengdala, K., Thammavong, B., Viengkham, O.V. & Dransfield, J. 2002: A Synopsis of the Rattans (Arecaceae: Calamoideae) of Laos and Neighbouring Parts of Indochina)A


  • Suitable for handicrafts but the short stems are not attractive to traders. Shoot edible, leaves (?) boiled for tea (Evans, T 36). (Evans, T., Sengdala, K., Thammavong, B., Viengkham, O.V. & Dransfield, J. 2002: A Synopsis of the Rattans (Arecaceae: Calamoideae) of Laos and Neighbouring Parts of Indochina)A

Materials Examined

  • CHINA (NORTH-WEST YUNNAN): Yingjiang County, Nabanba, 28 Nov. 1981, (stam. & pist.), Chen, S. Y & Tao, G. D. 18945 (K). (SOUTH-EAST YUNNAN): Banpo Distr., Luchun County, 26 April 1984, (stam.), Chen, S. Y. et al. 18996 (K). (SOUTH YUNNAN):Jinghong, Hongsa, km 663 on the road to Simao, undated, Chen, S. Y 799 (KUN). (SOUTH-EAST CHINA): Guanxi Province, Longzhou ('Long Chow'), undated, (stam.), Henry, A. 193 (K). (UNKNOWN): Yunnan, undated, (fr.), Henry, A. 12239 (K). THAILAND (NORTH THAILAND): Chiangsen, Mi Cham, 24 March 1921, (stam.), Kerr, A. 5145 (K, BM, BK). (NORTH-EAST): Loei, Phu Kradung, ravines west of summit, 8 Nov. 1997, (stam.), Hodel & Vatcharakorn 1769 (BH). LAos (NORTH): Huaphanh Province, Viengthong Distr., Ban Sakok, Phou Houaykatoy, 19 June 1999, (stam.), Oulathong OL 229 (FRCL, K). (CENIRAL): Bolikhamxay Province, Khamkheut Distr., Ban Lak (20), Pha Hua, March 1999, (stam.), Evans, T. TDE 37 (FRCL, K) and (stam.), Evans, T. TDE 36 (FRCL, K). VIETNAM (TONKIN): Than-Moi, 5 March 1886, (stam.), Balansa 517 (P); Vinh Phu Province, 100 km NW of Hanoi, Tam Dao, below Tam Dao hillstation, 24 Aug. 1994, (fr.), Boyce, R C. 811 (K, HNU, HN). (NORTH ANNAM): Ha Tinh Province, Huong Son Distr., An-Ngam village, western slope, 17 April 1998, (fr.), Hiep, N. T. et al. 128 (K, MO). CULTIVATED: Guangxi, Guilin, 18 Feb. 1985, (fr.), Wei, C. F 123196 (IBSC). (Evans, T., Sengdala, K., Thammavong, B., Viengkham, O.V. & Dransfield, J. 2002: A Synopsis of the Rattans (Arecaceae: Calamoideae) of Laos and Neighbouring Parts of Indochina)A


    A. Evans, T., Sengdala, K., Thammavong, B., Viengkham, O.V. & Dransfield, J. 2002: A Synopsis of the Rattans (Arecaceae: Calamoideae) of Laos and Neighbouring Parts of Indochina