Bactris hirta var. hirta

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Colombia (Amazonas) and Peru (Loreto) and Brazil (Amazonas) lowland rain forest on terra firme at 122-140 m elevation. (Henderson, A.J., Bactris (Palmae) in Flora Neotropica Monographs 79. 2000)A


  • The holotype of Bactris hirta subsp. pulehra (J .Trail 876/XCVIII) is problematic, because it has the short petiole and bifid blade typical of var. hirta, but a spiny sheath and petiole, typical of var. spruceana. Although it is thus somewhat intermediate, I choose to place it here. (Henderson, A.J., Bactris (Palmae) in Flora Neotropica Monographs 79. 2000)A


  • Sheath and petiole densely brown-spinulose or-tomentose, leaf spines absent (rarely present); petiole 4-12(-29) cm long; rachis 12- 16 cm long; blade simple, narrow to broadly obovate, deeply bifid, 18-33 cm long, 9-17 cm wide at apex of rachis, often spinulose marginally, abaxially and sometimes adaxially,with prominent cross-veins, lighter green abaxially. Fruits spinulose. (Henderson, A.J., Bactris (Palmae) in Flora Neotropica Monographs 79. 2000)A

Materials Examined

  • COLOMBIA. AMAZONAS: Rio Caquela, La Pedrera, 10 Mar 1990, Galeano et al. 2029 (COL, NY); Rio Apaporis, between Rio Pacoa and Rio Kananari, Soratama, 25 Jun 1951, Schultes & Cabrera 12806 (COL, US)
    PERU. LORETO: Near mouth of Río Napo, 14 Sep 1972, Croat 20192 (BH, MO); Prov. Maynas, Río Nanay, Caseria Mishana, 30 km SW of Iquitos, 16 Aug 1980, R. Foster 4338(AMAZ, MO); Prov. Maynas, Mishana, Rio Nanay halfway between Iquitos and Santa Maria de Nanay, 3°52'S, 73°30'W, 140m, 23 Feb 1981, Gentry et al. 31624 (MO), 31 Dec 1982, Gentry & Emmons 38788 (MO), l Oct 1990, Pipoly et al. 12714 (MO); Rio Vainilla below Río Manati , Caseria Catalan, 3°35'S. 72°45'W, 29 Jun 1983, Gentry 42355 (MO); 23 km SW of Yurimaguas, 5°59'S, 76°15'W, 26 Feb 1988. Gentry et al. 61968 (MO); Maynas, km 21 on Iquitos-Nautard., Alpahuayo, 9 Sep 1995, Henderson & Padilla 2010 (NY); Provo Maynas, km 8, rd. from Quisto Cocha to Varillal, 130 m, 24 Jul 1984, McDaniel & Rimachi 27840 (MO); Iquitos to Quisto Cocha, 15 May 1960, Moore et at. 8452(BH); Puerto Almendras, 3°48'S, 73°25W, 122 m, 29 May 1986, Vasquez & Jaramillo 7575 (MO), 26 Apr 1989,Vasquez et al. 12049 (MO); rd. from Iquitos to Nauta, 3°45'S, 73°21'W, 130 m, 13 Apr 1988, Vasquez & Jaramillo 10563 (NY), Vasquez & Jaramillo 10564 (MO), Vasquez & Jaramillo 10573 (MO); Iquitos-Nauta rd., km 44, 4°10'S, 73°20'W, 12 Dec 1988, Vdsquez & Jaramillo 11363 (MO); Quistococha, 3°48'S, 73°25'W, 122 tn, 28 Apr 1989, Vasquez & Jaramillo 12053 (MO, NY),
    BRAZIL. AMAZONAS: Mun. Nova Aripuana, BR 230, 400 km E of Humaitá, ca, 6°31'S, 60°1'W, 3 May 985, Henderson et al. 301 (NY); Mun. Atalaia do Norte, Rio lavari, Estirão do Ecuador, 4°30'S, 71°4'W, 9 Jan 1989, Henderson et al. 859 (COL, INPA, NY); BDFF Reserve Km 41, 64 km N of Manaus on BR 174 then 41 km E on ZF 3,10 Sep 1989, Henderson et al. 1063 (INPA, NY), 8 May 1994, Kress & Armbrusler 94-3624 (INPA, US); Mun. Tefé ,Rio Curimala de Baixo, ca. 3°5S'S. 65°10'W, 18 Jan 1991, Hendersoll & Guedes 1576 (lNPA, NY); Ahamira, Rio Jurua, 6°35'S, 68°54'W, 14 Nov 1991, Pardini 64 (INPA, NY); Rio Madeira, Boa Vista, 1 Jun 1874, Trail 857/LIII (BM, K, P). (Henderson, A.J., Bactris (Palmae) in Flora Neotropica Monographs 79. 2000)A


    A. Henderson, A.J., Bactris (Palmae) in Flora Neotropica Monographs 79. 2000